The Print dialog opens, with a preview of your printed document. By default the comments and track changes mark-up will be printed. Here’s a second way to activate track changes in Word 2011 for Mac: Choose Tools→Track Changes→Highlight Changes. Clear the comment check box Click 'print' and change the 'Print What' box to Document.
«track changes» is activated in a document and the document is changed.
In the 'Print What' box, choose Document showing Markup. Under the Tracking dropdown find Track Changes. This article covers the Track Changes feature as it works in Word 2013, Word 2016, Word 2019, and Word for Microsoft 365. How do I print without track changes? To prevent the Track Changes marks from being printed, click the button below “Settings” (the button probably says “Print All Pages”). How to print track changes in word on mac We were hoping to find a feature in TeX similar to 'Track changes' found in Microsoft Word.